Introducing GNBCC New Member: Eco Index Agro Solutions


Introducing GNBCC New Member: Eco Index Agro Solutions

Eco Index Agro Solutions Limited is a Ghanaian owned and registered company which has being in existence for the past five years in the Organic Agriculture space and good/sustainable Agricultural practices here in Ghana and other African countries including the Caribbean.

It seeks to improve the earnings of farmers by boosting their productivity through the supply and use of our tried tested and approved by FiBL (under EU Organic legislature Reg. 2018/848 apply for all organic farms, also recommended by Bioland.) Organic Liquid Fertilizers with a brand name called Begreen - F.  

Here in Ghana, It’s one of the biggest suppliers of good and quality Organic liquid fertilizers through the government flagship projects for farmers nation wide including Ghana cocoa board as well as numerous small, medium and large-scale individual farmers and private owned farmer-based organizations.

Eco Index Agro Solutions Limited owns its organic farms and value additions of organic produce e.g.: cocoa, root/tuber flours, grain/cereals flours and oils from nuts/seeds for international markets especially in the United States, the Caribbean and South America.

They have won 3 consecutive awards every year as the leading organic ferilizer supplier in Ghana at the Ghana Agriculture and Agro-Processing Awards from 2020 to date. Improving the lives of farmers through our product where farmers make amazing crop yields and sustainable farming practices through-out the year.

Our Services

  • It’s a company that owns its Organic farms of over 500 acres. Produces and deals in non-liquid types of organic fertilizers (yet to be certified and purposely for soil amendments) for field crops, horticultural crops, root and tubers as well as tree crops, organic fertilzers used for land reclamation practices. Biochar compost and mycorrihza production.   
  • Trains and build capacity of farm managers, supervisors and farmers in Organics and Agroecology.
  • Trade in Organic produce for local and international markets.
  • Research in Organics and soil food web.
  • Promotion of Biodiversity, safe/sustainable environmental issues and climate variations.
  • Advocacy and education on health/wellbeing in organic food consumption, livelihood activities and lanscapes.
  • Irrigation development.
  • Supply of various organic inputs nationwide and beyond.
  • Open field non GMO production and supply of good planting materials example seeds.
  • Offtakers of certified organic produce.

Visit their website to find out more

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