Courtsey Call to Solidaridad


Courtsey Call to Solidaridad

GNBCC paid a courtesy call to Mr. Bossman Owusu, the Country Representative (CR) for Solidaridad in Ghana.The council was informed of  his leaving the West Africa regional office of the organization after a long service spanning almost 7 years. We visited to congratulate him as he moves on to a new phase of his career at the Solidaridad Regional Office in Europe as the organization’s representative in the United Kingdom.

In West Africa, Solidaridad promotes sustainable production, inclusivity and agricultural service provision for small and medium enterprises. They also work in market integration for smallholders, food security and nutrition, climate-responsiveness, and community development. All these are done in collaboration with farmers, miners, workers and local communities.

They currently operate in Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo and Chad.

Solidaridad has leveraged strategic partnerships and digital tools to increase supply chain transparency and market access for smallholders. They have successfully lobbied and advocated for sustainable practices and policies that improve the livelihood of farmers and gold producers. The advocacy work led to the passing of two land bills in Sierra Leone and the adoption of a new pricing arrangement for oil palm in Ghana.

Mr. Isaac Gyamfi, Regional Director for West Africa, will act as the Ghana Country Representative, until a new successor is announced.

Mr. Owusu  expressed his gratitude to GNBCC for our support and cooperation during his tenure in office. The team wished him the best in the journey ahead.



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