Introducing GNBCC Premium Member: AGRITERRA


Introducing GNBCC Premium Member: AGRITERRA

Agriterra is an international, not-for-profit agri-agency with its Head Office in the Netherlands, and working in 4 regions globally: West Africa, East Africa, The Great Lakes Region and Asia. Agriterra was founded by Dutch farmers’ organisations and cooperatives over  25 years ago as an organisation for international peer-to-peer agricultural cooperation

Why focus on Farmer Organizations?

Professional cooperatives and farmer organisations are key for sustainable economic development. They are the engine of progress. It leads to a stable and prosperous agri-sector and economy as a whole. Agriterra strengthens farmer ownership to stimulate strong and vibrant rural areas.

How they work

As an international specialist in cooperative development, they work by using a three-track approach. They make cooperatives bankable and create real farmer-led businesses. They improve extension services to members and enhance farmer-government dialogues.

They are present with their team of professional Cooperative Advisors in 13 countries, providing direct advisory services and trainings to their client cooperatives

They use Agripool, their knowledge broker agency which is a unique pool of hundreds of agricultural experts from the Netherlands and other countries. Agriterra builds on the know-how and experience of experts in agribusiness. Agripool experts speak “the language of agribusiness” and work from farmer to farmer.

Their services and products

The three-track approach is executed­ through peer-to-peer involvement in advisory services, training and exchange visits. Their training focuses on Management & Organisation, Financial Management, Governance, Business Development, Lobby/Advocacy, Inclusion of Youth and women and Climate Smart Agriculture. 

Agriterra’s programs are financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as by other government agencies, international donor agencies, private companies and Financial Institutions. Besides implementing long term programs, they perform advice assignments for governments, banks, investors and donors (for example scopings or cooperative assessments) and act as a direct sourcing broker for agri-food businesses.


AGRITERRA’s regional office for West Africa is based in Ghana, together with the Ghana Country Office. Besides their Accra office, they have an office in Kumasi and are currently exploring to open an office in Tamale

In Ghana they support farmer organizations in the Cocoa sector, as well as in the Shea Sector and horticulture.  They work in partnership with government agencies from Ghana, the Netherlands, as well as with the Dutch Embassy, Private Sector and other International NGO’s.

When you like to know more about their programs and methods in Ghana, please contact their Country Representative in Ghana, Mrs Habiba Agyemang ( For their general programs globally and regionally, please contact their regional manager Erwin Brouwer ( You can also visit their office in Accra:

House No. 13, Block 5, Swaniker Street

Abelemkpe (next to Dimaensa Restaurant)

For more details on Agriterra, visit their website here.


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